Friday, September 16, 2011

Federal Reserve newest bailout? Europe....AGAIN!

"To the list of mega-corporations bailed out by the United States government, we now must add — Europe. In an announcement that rocked financial markets worldwide, the European Central Bank announced today a concerted effort in combination with four other major central banks — the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of Switzerland, and yes, the United States Federal Reserve — to use dollars rather than euros in an attempt to paper over the European Union’s economic woes.
Starting in October, the Federal Reserve and other major central banks will begin auctioning allotments of dollars to the European Central Bank, which will then use the new money to shore up shaky European megabanks"....Full story HERE.

"We've seen this before somewhere, ah yes, Grayson grilling Bernanke in 2009 about dollar loans to foreign banks.  Inspired by a liquidity crunch, a silent run on European banks, with no access to market capital and few dollars to spare, from the sidelines enters the Federal Reserve, with Bernanke as Peyton Manning (before the neck fusion), and The European Central Bank, the Bank of England, Bank of Japan, and the Swiss National Bank as wideouts.  A trillion dollar Hail Mary that will postpone the inevitable for another 3 months... Full story HERE.

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