Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Only Tarheels and Queers… Come From North Carolina

Dave Durand - Contributor
This May, North Carolinians will have the opportunity to vote for an amendment to the state constitution that would ban gay marriage. While it is currently illegal for gays to marry in NC, this measure would be a hefty road block for any future legislature to repeal the current law. It is also a safeguard against any overzealous judge that may feel the need to legislate from the bench.

There are several reasons often given to justify a general ban on gay marriage, but I’ve yet to hear one that convinces me of the need to restrict the personal liberty of my fellow citizens. Here are my thoughts on the main two. 

Homosexuality is a sin, and therefore gay marriage should be illegal.

As a Christian, I completely agree with the first half of this statement. The Bible is quite clear that homosexuality is a sin. But to those who feel that sins should be outlawed, allow me to let you in on a little secret…

… there is a difference between a crime and a sin. (Gasps of Horror!!!)

A sin is an act of disobedience against God. A crime is an act of force against man. These two ideas do not necessarily overlap. For instance: It is sin to get drunk, but it is not illegal. It is a sin to cheat on your spouse, but it is not illegal. It is a sin to covet, but it is not illegal. It is sin to be selfish, but not illegal.

I am not sure why Christians don’t just use the force of government and eradicate sin all together. Why not simply make it illegal to be a homosexual. After all, it is the underlying sin that drives all this gay marriage hoop-la. Why not take it a step further and make a law mandating that everyone in America must convert to some brand of Christianity. In fact, let’s get real here and makes it illegal to not accept Christ as you personal savior. Problem solved right?

Gay marriage threatens the sanctity of marriage.

I argue heterosexuals have done a pretty good number on the sanctity of marriage all on their own. Something like 40% of all first marriages ends in divorce, and nearly 50% of all subsequent marriages end in divorce. I am pretty sure the sanctity argument was thrown out long ago by straight couples.

Also, I just don’t get how the deeply personal relationship between you and your spouse can be somehow threatened by the existence of another relationship. Did you or did you not promise before God, your family, and your friends to uphold your marriage vows? Was there an exclusion clause in the fine print that gives you an out if two dudes tie the knot down the street? Let me ask you this. Are you any less married if gay couples are allowed to marry? Are you really worse off in any tangible way? If so, how?

So how will I vote?

Well I have to say that in the interest of liberty I will vote against the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. I can see no threat to my life, liberty, or property posed by gay marriage, and therefore I will not support government standing in the way of personal choice. All things being equal, I would vote to get the state out of marriage entirely, but since we are forced to ask for the government’s permission to get married, I can only support a decrease in Raleigh’s control over us.

May God help this straight, married, liberty-minded Christian.

Dave Durand is a weekly contributor to Letters to the front, and has his own mind on matters of liberty.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Federal Reserve newest bailout? Europe....AGAIN!

"To the list of mega-corporations bailed out by the United States government, we now must add — Europe. In an announcement that rocked financial markets worldwide, the European Central Bank announced today a concerted effort in combination with four other major central banks — the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of Switzerland, and yes, the United States Federal Reserve — to use dollars rather than euros in an attempt to paper over the European Union’s economic woes.
Starting in October, the Federal Reserve and other major central banks will begin auctioning allotments of dollars to the European Central Bank, which will then use the new money to shore up shaky European megabanks"....Full story HERE.

"We've seen this before somewhere, ah yes, Grayson grilling Bernanke in 2009 about dollar loans to foreign banks.  Inspired by a liquidity crunch, a silent run on European banks, with no access to market capital and few dollars to spare, from the sidelines enters the Federal Reserve, with Bernanke as Peyton Manning (before the neck fusion), and The European Central Bank, the Bank of England, Bank of Japan, and the Swiss National Bank as wideouts.  A trillion dollar Hail Mary that will postpone the inevitable for another 3 months... Full story HERE.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Right To Fast Food

Dave Durand - Contributor

While visiting my corner convenience store, I noticed an interesting advertisement plastered on the wall outside. It read “SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) now accepted here”. It got me thinking as to why newly polished Food Stamps are now accepted at a convenience store. My assumption was Food Stamps were only accepted at grocery stores.

Turns out I was wrong. Unbeknownst to me, food stamps are accepted at a wide variety of establishments from state to state. Even as far back as the 1970s, the federal government has given out waivers which allow certain businesses to accept Food Stamps.

A little more background to set the mood…

Since 2005 the cost of the Food Stamp program ballooned from $28 Billion to $64 Billion annually. There are now 39 million people that receive some kind of food purchasing assistance. That is 1 out 7 Americans. Let that sink in for a minute. Literally 1 out of every 7 people you meet is a parasite that feeds off its taxpaying host. How can we survive as a nation when 15% of the population can’t even muster the drive to freaking feed themselves?

This is both sad and maddening, but wait, it actually gets worse. Now several states may be granted waivers that would allow fast food chains to accept Food Stamps. Currently 4 states allow for some kind of prepared meals to be purchased with Food Stamps. So it should be no surprise that YUM Brands is lobbying hard to get a piece of this very big pie. If they succeed, you’ll be seeing “SNAP” advertisements at the local KFC, Taco Bell, Long John Silver, or Pizza Hut.

Can you imagine that? We are now at the point in this country when going out to dinner is some kind of “right”. Even if you argue that food is a “right” – you absolutely cannot argue that by the way – there is no way in Hell that you can argue for the right to a Supreme Stuffed Crust Pizza or a Beefy 5 Layer Burrito.

The sickening part is that I now realize that I am an absolute chump… a sucker… a pushover…. a doormat.

Here I am living month to month on a self-imposed budget. Here I am paying my bills, and paying down debt. Here I am working hard and not asking for anything from anyone. Here I am consciously deciding to NOT EAT AT RESTAURANTS because I have my damn priorities straight.

All the while there are those who absolutely refuse to grow up. Those who refuse to take the hard road or play the hand they are dealt. Those who refuse to provide for themselves the basic necessities of life. Those who would apparently allow their children to starve to death unless they are given a voucher for a bucket of the Colonel’s original recipe, 6 biscuits, mashed potatoes, and gravy.

I’m about ready to quit my life and plug myself back into the Matrix.  

Dave Durand is a weekly contributor to the Letters to the Front blog, an amazing beer snob, and all around good guy to be around when watching a sporting event.

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