There is a prevalent culture of face-value acceptance in this country held by the average citizen. We are told something, and assume it is the truth. We are told by experts that something is the way it is, and that is enough for us. Especially if those experts share our values or opinions on a matter. There are, no doubt, skeptics. But these are, for the most part, paranoid people who deal with anxiety on a daily basis. The average John or Jane Q. Public has no problem just living their life not wanting to be bothered about seemingly insignificant things. Things like Constitutional Eligibility of the President of the United States of America.
I just lost 20 readers.
See what I mean? Come on, this is a non-issue. Haven't you seen the anchors on the Today show and GMA and FoxNews and CNN and... well, you get my point. The majority consensus of the news media has put this baby to bed. Honestly, the guy's been in office for thirty months now, hasn't the dead horse been beat enough?
It depends. It depends if you're one of the 58% of Americans who still have some question somewhere about our President's past. It depends on whether you are satisfied with everything you've seen and heard.
Have you seen an original, paper document with a seal (that anyone can request for a small fee) released from the Hawaiian department of health to an independent committee for forensic analysis?
Are you satisfied that Congress has no way of guaranteeing that the person running for the office of President is Constitutionally eligible?
Are you satisfied that Obama's father was not a U.S. citizen, but a U.K. citizen loyal to his home country of Kenya, and that under the Constitution (14th Amendment Section 1), Obama was born a dual citizen of the U.S. and the U.K.?
Are you satisfied that the Democratic National Committee released two different Certifications of Nomination for the Presidency, the first stating that Obama is Constitutionally Eligible, and the second omitting such language?
Are you satisfied that Indonesia would not allow dual citizenship when the young lad was taken there and registered as an Indonesian citizen?
Are you satisfied with the photoshop file released by the White House with so many layers that it could be classified as an archeological dig?
Look, I'm not the man to answer all these questions. The man to answer all these questions would be Jerome Corsi. I don't have a Ph.D. from Harvard, he does. I haven't been chasing these rabbits, and hundreds more, for over six years. He has. And what he's done with those rabbits is put them in a big cage called "Where's the Birth Certificate?" The book reads like a lawsuit. Corsi masterfully builds his case for the Constitution brick by brick, until there is a wall of evidence that is, quite honestly, hard to beat your head against. 125 Exhibits, all there, with timelines and footnotes and references.

Esquire magazine even ran a piece where they claimed (erroneously) that World Net Daily had pulled Corsi's book from the shelves in an attempt to deflate sales. They are now in a big lawsuit for it.
One of Corsi's latest interviews with Alex Jones, watch both parts-
I mean, never you mind that the only legitimate answer ever given Dr. Corsi, and the American public at large, is ridicule or derision. Sure, multiple attempts at appeasement have been made, enough to fuel the mockery of the subject. Enough to cast labels like "birther" or "racist" or "kook". Enough to make the question of eligibility trivial in the public eye. That's the point. That's the idea. If you think to ask any question whatsoever concerning the Emporer's Clothes, whether it's about his school records, or his fake Connecticut Social Security number, you are made to feel as if you're the silly one. The facts are, we the people know nothing about the man. We could read "Dreams from my Father", but how much truth could we find there? Obviously left out was the fact that his father at one point dreamed of giving him up for adoption. Also left out was the supposition that Obama's parents' marriage seemed to be in line with the Shia doctrine of Nikah Mutah, or temporary marriage of convenience. In such a marriage the Muslim man may marry a Christian or Jew. There was once a day in this country where everyone was under the law, no exceptions, but I fear a new Magna Carta must be carved out. Speaking of English law, supporters of the puppet prince have even tried to cite English Common Law in defense of BHO's eligibility. Don't get me wrong, the argument would work great, if we were still colonies of the Crown, and had no Constitution...(You would know all this if you read the book, by the way)
At any rate, the newest broadside aimed at the eligibility debate has broken just last night on World Net Daily. Dr. Corsi presents the case for forgery by examining discrepancies in the type set on the presented long form.
People who care about the truth are always belittled by those who would seek to hide it for self-preservation or gain. Just ask those who tried to ask questions about the treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany. So, we could accept the answers we're given, or hold out for the truth. The choice is yours.
This is our finest hour.
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