Nazi poster asking "And you?"
I grew up singing "This is my country" and "This land is my land" in school. I distinctly remembering learning to play "God Bless America" on the recorder in the fourth grade. I remember "Yankee Doodle Dandy" being a 4th of July tradition at my house after dinner before fireworks, just like "It's a Wonderful Life" was at Christmas. I even felt especially proud when my dad would talk with his brother and father about their military service at family holidays. Here's the point: We are all raised with an inherent sense of patriotism from a multitude of influences.
I guess that's why I was particularly disturbed after learning of a recruitment flyer distributed by the USPS in my family's neighborhood. It was full of promises of job security and high pay for a list of 45 jobs. A Federal "Job Fair", if you will, with an 80 minute orientation to be held at a local community college. Jobs listed included "Airport Screener" and "Intelligence Aid/Clerk", as well as my personal favorite -"Evidence Technician". Here's a look at it-

After showing the flyer to many friends, the unanimous response was this: "You made this. This is a joke." This is not a joke. There will be future evidence presented.
Of course, it would be foolish of me to point out that real unemployment and underemployment numbers are hovering around 30%. So, it is a rather good time, given the economic climate of the country, to recruit for jobs. What a coincidence... I mean, who wouldn't want to "secure their future with the nation's largest employer"? Does that give you reason for pause, or is it just me? It can't just be happenstance that the people who are destroying the dollar are now recruiting your family, friends and neighbors to be drones. Too early or alarmist? Not when you consider all of it coincides with the new push out of Homeland Security for the neighbor surveillance initiative. Check this out-
Remember, the point of this video is to cause you to be suspicious of your fellow citizens and report them to the local officials. Don't trust anyone who records video to phone, wears a hoodie, writes on a notepad or a number of otherwise normal everyday behaviors. The question is this: what is your patriotic duty? According to the Unconstitutional DHS, your patriotic duty is to be its eyes and ears on the ground of your community.
The reason Germany was such a force in the second World War was that every citizen, in some capacity, was in service to the government. Those who weren't were herded into ghettos and camps. What the Department of Homeland Security is asking of you now is the same thing the SA, and later the SS asked of the German populous: "Report to us. Anything. Everything. We are here to protect you. We know what's best for you."
You may see the job recruitment and the latest citizen surveillance initiative as two entirely different matters. But that would be an enormous mistake. The Department of Homeland Security is a hydra. Multi-headed, multi-faceted, its agents are everywhere: in airports, in checkpoints on U.S. highways, even at high school proms. So, whether you are going to a Federal Job Fair trying to get a $30/hour job, or just an ant on the street making a phone call to turn in your neighbor, this is the country in which we find ourselves.
So, what is patriotic? That's the matter at hand that needs settling. Is it patriotic to pay taxes? Is it patriotic to turn your neighbors in for suspicious activity? Is is patriotic to cowtow to an unConstitutional department of the government known as "Homeland Security"? Who are we really being "kept safe" from? Ourselves? Is is patriotic to allow the federal government to divide us with suspicion and fear of each other? I owe no man anything but to love him. My debt to my fellow American is to educate him of the growing tyranny against him and his posterity.You say: "Come on. It's not that bad."
It is.
It is that bad.
And with no pushback from free men and women, it will only get worse.
This is our finest hour.