Thursday, July 21, 2011

Keep your friends close, and your enemies... wait a minute!

                                                            Nazi poster asking "And you?"
I grew up singing "This is my country" and "This land is my land" in school. I distinctly remembering learning to play "God Bless America" on the recorder in the fourth grade. I remember "Yankee Doodle Dandy" being a 4th of July tradition at my house after dinner before fireworks, just like "It's a Wonderful Life" was at Christmas. I even felt especially proud when my dad would talk with his brother and father about their military service at family holidays. Here's the point: We are all raised with an inherent sense of patriotism from a multitude of influences.

I guess that's why I was particularly disturbed after learning of a recruitment flyer distributed by the USPS in my family's neighborhood. It was full of promises of job security and high pay for a list of 45 jobs. A Federal "Job Fair", if you will, with an 80 minute orientation to be held at a local community college. Jobs listed included "Airport Screener" and "Intelligence Aid/Clerk", as well as my personal favorite -"Evidence Technician".  Here's a look at it-

After showing the flyer to many friends, the unanimous response was this: "You made this. This is a joke." This is not a joke. There will be future evidence presented.

Of course, it would be foolish of me to point out that real unemployment and underemployment numbers are hovering around 30%. So, it is a rather good time, given the economic climate of the country, to recruit for jobs. What a coincidence... I mean, who wouldn't want to "secure their future with the nation's largest employer"? Does that give you reason for pause, or is it just me? It can't just be happenstance that the people who are destroying the dollar are now recruiting your family, friends and neighbors to be drones. Too early or alarmist? Not when you consider all of it coincides with the new push out of Homeland Security for the neighbor surveillance initiative.  Check this out-
Remember, the point of this video is to cause you to be suspicious of your fellow citizens and report them to the local officials. Don't trust anyone who records video to phone, wears a hoodie, writes on a notepad or a number of otherwise normal everyday behaviors. The question is this: what is your patriotic duty? According to the Unconstitutional DHS, your patriotic duty is to be its eyes and ears on the ground of your community.
The reason Germany was such a force in the second World War was that every citizen, in some capacity, was in service to the government. Those who weren't were herded into ghettos and camps. What the Department of Homeland Security is asking of you now is the same thing the SA, and later the SS asked of the German populous: "Report to us. Anything. Everything. We are here to protect you. We know what's best for you."

You may see the job recruitment and the latest citizen surveillance initiative as two entirely different matters. But that would be an enormous mistake. The Department of Homeland Security is a hydra. Multi-headed, multi-faceted, its agents are everywhere: in airports, in checkpoints on U.S. highways, even at high school proms. So, whether you are going to a Federal Job Fair trying to get a $30/hour job, or just an ant on the street making a phone call to turn in your neighbor, this is the country in which we find ourselves.
So, what is patriotic? That's the matter at hand that needs settling. Is it patriotic to pay taxes? Is it patriotic to turn your neighbors in for suspicious activity? Is is patriotic to cowtow to an unConstitutional department of the government known as "Homeland Security"? Who are we really being "kept safe" from? Ourselves? Is is patriotic to allow the federal government to divide us with suspicion and fear of each other? I owe no man anything but to love him. My debt to my fellow American is to educate him of the growing tyranny against him and his posterity.

You say: "Come on. It's not that bad."

It is.

It is that bad.

And with no pushback from free men and women, it will only get worse.

This is our finest hour.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm Hotlanta for Teacher

Dave Durand-Contributor

Got it bad. Got it Bad. Got it Bad. I’m hot for an honest teacher in Atlanta.” A story that is not getting the attention it deserves is the Atlanta Government School cheating scandal. To quickly summarize, an Atlanta Journal Constitution reporter noticed some impressive gains in school performance from one period to the next. After digging deeper, 178 teachers and principals from 44 out of the 56 Atlanta area schools were found to be changing students' incorrect answers on the standardized tests mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act. The goal was to artificially inflate the schools AYP score (Annual Yearly Progress) which directly influences the amount of federal funding the school receives.

While nothing justifies the actions of these soon to be former “educators”, I would like to take the opportunity to call for the end of federal involvement in your child’s education. Here are 3 quick reasons.

1) Let’s get the technical arguments out of the way first. The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution explicitly lists the powers granted to Congress. For those of you not familiar with the text, check out the link below. SPOILER ALERT in 3 … 2 … 1 … Education is not listed anywhere in this clause.

The 10th Amendment to the Constitution also plainly states that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” I can promise you that education is not mentioned in any of the other 26 Amendments to the Constitution either. This means that the Federal Government, aka Washington D.C., is not authorized to tinker with education in any way, shape, or form.

2) Let’s be honest. We generally do not elect our best and brightest to represent us. Do you trust Representative Sheila Jackson Lee to be responsible for your child’s history curriculum? This is the same women who thinks the Vietnam War resulted in a “North and South Vietnam”.

Maybe you are comfortable with President Obama authorizing geography courses where your child is required to learn the location, capitols, and annual rainfall amounts of all “57 states”. 

Would you like Senator Charles Schumer to personally write the civic lesson where our children learn about the checks and balances between the 3 branches of government? Those would be the “The House, The Senate, and the President” according to Chuck.

O.K., I admit that these are cheap shots. However, there are legitimate reasons to call into question the competency of our representatives to craft national education policy. Most have never taught in a classroom. Most have never been an administrator or served on a school board. More than a handful could not successfully cook a package of Ramen Noodles. Perhaps the best evidence I can point to is that most politicians refuse to send their children to the government schools that they themselves regulate. Hmm… maybe they aren’t so dumb after all.

3) Local control is the best way for your child to receive a sound education. You should demand the ability to talk directly to policy makers when it comes to matters at your child’s school. We need to remove barriers between parents and administrators, and we should not accept a system where school policies, standards, and curriculum are dictated by a bureaucrat in a far off capitol. At the very least, your state should control all aspects of the government education your child receives. Even better, your county or city could have total control. Think about running into your town’s equivalent of U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan at the local grocery store and giving him a piece of your mind. It will never happen without local control over education.

Of course, the best scenario would be one where all parents have complete control of where their children go to school- complete control of which teachers have the privilege to teach their children, and what curriculum they are exposed to. The only way to accomplish this is to disband the government school system altogether and allow parents to select, pay for, and hold accountable the school that their child attends. I won’t hold my breath, but you know I am right. 

Dave Durand is the Wednesday contributor for the milkthecrisis blog.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Please hold your questions until the end of the lecture

There is a prevalent culture of face-value acceptance in this country held by the average citizen.  We are told something, and assume it is the truth. We are told by experts that something is the way it is, and that is enough for us. Especially if those experts share our values or opinions on a matter. There are, no doubt, skeptics. But these are, for the most part, paranoid people who deal with anxiety on a daily basis. The average John or Jane Q. Public has no problem just living their life not wanting to be bothered about seemingly insignificant things. Things like Constitutional Eligibility of the President of the United States of America.


I just lost 20 readers.

See what I mean?  Come on, this is a non-issue.  Haven't you seen the anchors on the Today show and GMA and FoxNews and CNN and... well, you get my point. The majority consensus of the news media has put this baby to bed. Honestly, the guy's been in office for thirty months now, hasn't the dead horse been beat enough?

It depends. It depends if you're one of the 58% of Americans who still have some question somewhere about our President's past. It depends on whether you are satisfied with everything you've seen and heard. 

Have you seen an original, paper document with a seal (that anyone can request for a small fee) released from the Hawaiian department of health to an independent committee for forensic analysis?

Are you satisfied that Congress has no way of guaranteeing that the person running for the office of President is Constitutionally eligible? 

Are you satisfied that Obama's father was not a U.S. citizen, but a U.K. citizen loyal to his home country of Kenya, and that under the Constitution (14th Amendment Section 1), Obama was born a dual citizen of the U.S. and the U.K.?

Are you satisfied that the Democratic National Committee released two different Certifications of Nomination for the Presidency, the first stating that Obama is Constitutionally Eligible, and the second omitting such language? 

Are you satisfied that Indonesia would not allow dual citizenship when the young lad was taken there and registered as an Indonesian citizen?

Are you satisfied with the photoshop file released by the White House with so many layers that it could be classified as an archeological dig?

Look, I'm not the man to answer all these questions. The man to answer all these questions would be Jerome Corsi. I don't have a Ph.D. from Harvard, he does. I haven't been chasing these rabbits, and hundreds more, for over six years.  He has.  And what he's done with those rabbits is put them in a big cage called "Where's the Birth Certificate?" The book reads like a lawsuit. Corsi masterfully builds his case for the Constitution brick by brick, until there is a wall of evidence that is, quite honestly, hard to beat your head against.  125 Exhibits, all there, with timelines and footnotes and references.

It caused such a stir that before the book was released, the administration hooked Donald Trump up to the puppet strings and paraded him around with his grimace demanding to see the certificate. There the Donald was, on every talk show and primetime interview, on his quest for the holy grail. The mighty Paladin dictating his terms to the administration, Don Quixote going to right every wrong and get results. Don't you find it odd that for 18 months the subject of eligibility was laughable by the media complex? Then when Trump went on his crusade, suddenly, there was possibly some form of substance to the matter again. hmmmmmm....  Then out pops the photoshop doc and the "Made in America" t-shirt fundraiser from the White House, and Trump is right back to doing what he did in '08: supporting Obama.
 Esquire magazine even ran a piece where they claimed (erroneously) that World Net Daily had pulled Corsi's book from the shelves in an attempt to deflate sales. They are now in a big lawsuit for it.

One of Corsi's latest interviews with Alex Jones, watch both parts-

I mean, never you mind that the only legitimate answer ever given Dr. Corsi, and the American public at large, is ridicule or derision. Sure, multiple attempts at appeasement have been made, enough to fuel the mockery of the subject. Enough to cast labels like "birther" or "racist" or "kook". Enough to make the question of eligibility trivial in the public eye. That's the point. That's the idea. If you think to ask any question whatsoever concerning the Emporer's Clothes, whether it's about his school records, or his fake Connecticut Social Security number, you are made to feel as if you're the silly one. The facts are, we the people know nothing about the man.  We could read "Dreams from my Father", but how much truth could we find there? Obviously left out was the fact that his father at one point dreamed of giving him up for adoption. Also left out was the supposition that Obama's parents' marriage seemed to be in line with the Shia doctrine of Nikah Mutah, or temporary marriage of convenience. In such a marriage the Muslim man may marry a Christian or Jew. There was once a day in this country where everyone was under the law, no exceptions, but I fear a new Magna Carta must be carved out. Speaking of English law, supporters of the puppet prince have even tried to cite English Common Law in defense of BHO's eligibility. Don't get me wrong, the argument would work great, if we were still colonies of the Crown, and had no Constitution...(You would know all this if you read the book, by the way)

At any rate, the newest broadside aimed at the eligibility debate has broken just last night on World Net Daily.  Dr. Corsi presents the case for forgery by examining discrepancies in the type set on the presented long form.  


People who care about the truth are always belittled by those who would seek to hide it for self-preservation or gain. Just ask those who tried to ask questions about the treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany. So, we could accept the answers we're given, or hold out for the truth. The choice is yours.

This is our finest hour.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Government Stockholm Syndrome via the Debt Ceiling: The politicians who hold America hostage and the Americans who love them for it.

Dave Durand: Contributor

President Obama has drawn another ominous line in the sand over the ongoing debt limit debate raging on Capitol Hill. This time, Social Security checks are on the chopping block unless the federal government is allowed to borrow more money by August 2nd. In an interview last Tuesday with CBS news, the president warned "I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3 if we haven't resolved this issue, because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it". My initial gut reaction to this not so thinly veiled threat is “So what? Go ahead and cancel the checks”.

Whoa! My gut must be heartless. Well maybe it is, or maybe it is just not in my DNA to expect a handout from anyone. This healthy dose of self-realization immediately floods my mind with questions.

Why do the American people allow their elected representative to hold them hostage by threatening to cut their Social Security benefits? Why do the citizens of this country tolerate their retirement income to be used as a political weapon? Why are so many Senior Citizens angered by the federal government racking up 14 billion dollars in debt, but still advocating for the continued taxing, spending, and borrowing in order to pay for their social security?

Well… because they have to.

Their lives literally depend on it. They have bought the lie that their payroll taxes have been funding a system that will take care of them when they retire.  And why not? Over the span of their career, they have watched their money flow into the treasury every payday. Many have factored social security as a primary or the sole source of income for their golden years.

Americans that find themselves in this situation suffer from Government Stockholm Syndrome. This condition is caused by two factors colliding violently. The first is a lifetime of false imprisonment known as taxation. The second is a token act of kindness known as entitlements. These benefits are the scraps of food on the cell floor which becomes the glue that will bind the Victim to the Captor. In other words, they bind the American people to the Government.

Allow me to elaborate.

Let’s think about taxation. Do you have a choice to pay local, state, or federal taxes? Obviously not. So you are captive; held against your will to the one entity in our society that can legally deprive you of your life, liberty, and property.  This entity is government. Government that erects prisons, hires guards, and maintains the system that has become the dark, cold cell you find yourself in. The illustration becomes all too real for those who stage a jailbreak by cheating the IRS and are then literally thrown into a government built cell. Don’t try this at home kids.

So once you realize that you have been kidnapped, what is there to do but survive? This is where entitlements play their insidious role. They start small. A mortgage interest deduction here or a subsidized student loan there. Maybe a federally subsidized whirligig park here or an elementary education there.                              

A research grant for studying shrimp on treadmills here or a Social Security payment there. 

Pretty soon you find yourself relying on these seemingly small benefits that hurt no one and help millions just like yourself. Like a word of kindness from your captor or morsel of moldy food on your plate, you soon find yourself dependent on the hand the beats you. You even find yourself defending your oppressors and advocating for more and more imprisonment programs to lend a hand to the less fortunate among us.

This is where millions of Americans are today. They rely on government so much, or just enough, that when a politician threatens to stop their handout, they turn against the policy. They choose sustenance over substance. Even if they know that the policy is the moral and correct thing to do.

So how do you avoid this predicament? For me, I live my life as if I am an economic island. I demand nothing from my fellow countrymen. I make rational choices for myself and my family that allows us to remain self-sufficient. I am taxed like everyone, but I live beneath my means which affords me the greatest opportunity to live a life free of servitude. A life free from dependence on a politician in Washington DC. Free from those who are only concerned with their pursuit of power and their re-election campaign funded by millions of their kidnapped victims.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Going (for) Broke


"Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice." (letter to J. Bowen, Rhode Island, Jan. 9, 1787) "If ever again our nation stumbles upon unfunded paper, it shall surely be like death to our body politic. This country will crash."      
--George Washington

"The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitution. I am an enemy to all banks, discounting bills or notes for anything but coin. If the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."  
--Thomas Jefferson  

"It is apparent from the whole context of the Constitution as well as the history of the times which gave birth to it, that it was the purpose of the Convention to establish a currency consisting of the precious metals. These were adopted by a permanent rule excluding the use of a perishable medium of exchange, such as of certain agricultural commodities recognized by the statutes of some States as tender for debts, or the still more pernicious expedient of paper currency." --President Andrew Jackson, 8th Annual Message to Congress, December 5, 1836  

"We are in danger of being overwhelmed with irredeemable paper, mere paper, representing not gold nor silver; no sir, representing nothing but broken promises, bad faith, bankrupt corporations, cheated creditors and a ruined people."  --Daniel Webster 
(all quotes emphasis mine)

Free people, a man in a Constitutionally illegal post presiding over a Constitutionally illegal department of the Federal Government doesn't believe that gold is money. Is anyone really surprised? This is another example of slight-of-hand by the central bankers. While the general public is hypnotized by the circus going one between the outright marxists of the DNC and the outright imperialists of the GOP, the FED continues to march on, unrestricted, unchecked, unaffected. 

People care more about the pouting and the pushing and the party lines in the White House and on Capitol Hill, worrying whether or not the country will go into default or what plan may preserve our economy. "We must prove the other side is ignorant and wrong, getting our talking points from our favorite radio and T.V. personalities." All the while missing the point: We are already in default. We, as a nation, are bankrupt. The global economy is propped up by a number of zeros in an electronic account somewhere in Washington D.C. We started down this path over a hundred years ago, and have traded wisdom for folly every year ever since.  The dollar has lost 98% of its value from 1913. What is happening in Europe will be at our door before the next election.

Look for a new blogs on Constitutional Eligibility next Monday, 7/18/11, and on the financial situation next Wednesday, 7/20/11.  Subscribe by email to receive updates!

This is our finest hour.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What is truly necessary?

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." -Patrick Henry  (emphasis mine)

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves."  William Pitt in the House of Commons November 18, 1783.  (emphasis mine)

"A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicity." Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address.  (emphasis mine)

This day, free people, we find ourselves locked in mortal combat for the sake of our nation over a question of necessity. There are, indeed, many voices vying for our attentions and energies and wills and devotions. Voices crying out, pleading, even cajoling to win the case for what is necessary. But what is, after all the voices die down, truly necessary? What is the function of the federal government? According to Jefferson, it was to "restrain men from injuring one another" and otherwise leave them alone to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement.  How is that working out for Julie Bass, a free woman in Michigan who desires nothing more than to grow her own vegetables? 

The fact that a city code exists anywhere that dictates what any citizen in this country can or cannot have in their front yard is ludicrous. It is not the city's job to be a dictatorial landscape crew boss. The free citizens of Oak Park Michigan do not pay taxes as Homeowner's Association Dues.  Now the little Napoleon who is the acting "city planner" (a farcical office at best) is playing the tune. The question remains, will the free people of Oak Park dance and pay the piper? Let's hope not.

And what shall be said of Arizona, who is lying down while the Federal government swoops in like a vulture to regulate which of your crops goes to a market?

So, what's the big deal?  Isn't it good to regulate what goes into the public place for public consumption? Isn't it normal for us to expect to be wrapped up in red tape to sell our wares at a public place? In order to sell your home grown fruit at the now centrally planned "farmers market" you must submit a "crop plan" and have your Garden inspected by filling out a "farm schedule". After that's done you're more than welcome to sell your oranges once you fill out your various tax forms, sign the ten page 8000 word contract agreement with the city manager, pay your filing fees and attain your organic certification and proper permits. 

Or even the executive order that was signed while everyone was busy gawking at the stooge Anthony Weiner, 13575, granting the Federal government oversight of farmland via a "Council". That's 16% of the country, according to the man who calls himself President. 

READ IT HERE: Executive Order 13575

The issue again returns to what the average citizen in this country deems necessary. We are light years away from the Founders' thoughts on the matter. The basic sentiment at the founding of this nation was that the government's job was to keep us from invasion, and keep us from doing violence to our fellow man. That and only that was absolutely necessary. Otherwise, we were to be left alone to regulate our own pursuits of industry and improvement.

Let William Pitt's words ring in your ears the next time anyone in a suit behind a podium tells you what is "necessary". For any reason. Every time. Memorize these words:

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants. It is the creed of slaves." -William Pitt 

We stand in dumbstruck wonder at someone who cannot leave an abusive relationship. There is a tremendous sense of dependency that is inexplicable to the outside observer. We ask ourselves, and each other, "Why doesn't that person see what is really going on?" Free people of America: the people of the world are asking us that question. What will be our answer? 

The point of the blog is this:

Limited government isn't only a Federal issue. It's a state issue. It's a county issue. It's a town or city issue. Tyranny exists on every level, and must be defeated on every level. Be fearless to call tyranny what it is, and lift your voice against it. No one else has your voice, it is exclusive to you, and you alone will be judged by our posterity for your action, or inaction. Now is the time, now. There is nothing to be done for past generations' failures, there is only now.

This is our finest hour.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The New Invader

"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." - Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States.  (emphasis mine)

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." - Amendment 4 of the Constitution of the United States. (emphasis mine)

The Constitution is a document of chains.  Chains that bind the Federal Government and restrict or limit the liberties it may take with the citizens of this country. One of those chains is the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits any civil officer or representative of the Federal Government to stop you or search you for any reason whatsoever.  A warrant must be issued for such an action.  So, even a police search of your vehicle at a traffic stop is unlawful according to the Fourth Amendment.  The "probable cause" phrase used by law enforcement is an illegal reconciling of the law. According to the Constitution, ALL searches and seizures of personal property and effects must have a warrant issued. And those warrants must be supported by oath or affirmation, and must particularly describe the place to be searched, or the person or things to be seized. You see, the founders' intent was that someone truly is innocent until proven guilty, and that the search and seizure process was to be a painstakingly arduous task.  The framers of the Constitution deliberately constructed the wording of that great document in favor of the citizenship of this great nation, and in direct opposition to anyone on any level that would seek to abuse the authority that had been given to them.  The founders knew what it was like to live in a place where nothing really belonged to them.  They lived in a place and time where, at any time for any reason, any or all of their property, effects, or personage could be seized and treated at the subject of their oppressors whims.  That is why such strong language is used.  Language lost on the majority of the public.  Language that would be in favor of the people. Language that the average citizen was to have every benefit of the doubt in the truest sense. But we are in a police state, on every level. There are so many illegal laws that violate the Constitution on the books now that an officer doesn't even have to give a reason for an arrest, or a search or seizure.

Don't believe me?  Watch this-

Notice when the dancers asked for what cause they would be arrested, the officer told them, "You'll find out". That is where we are as a nation right now. Civil authorities have absolute authority on location to do whatever they deem fit to "control" the masses. The demonstration was a non-violent display of free speech, and the point was proven:  You are only as free as you are allowed to be by people who make laws up as they go along.

Nowhere more is this mindset of the tyrannical more obvious than in the Department of Homeland Security. They have a ready-made army they call the TSA.  Every day, millions of Americans are unlawfully searched as they travel on business trips or vacation. Every day, the founders' graves are spit upon millions of times as citizens are herded like cattle through lines of scanners and detectors and groping gloves and unwarranted scrutiny.

Here's some tyranny in New Mexico-

In Texas, there is an effort in the State legislature to make airport groping illegal.  Here's what you should do: Google "Texas vs. TSA". Research the fight going on in Texas.  Study details of the case. If you're in Texas, add your voice to the growing dissent and contact your representative.

Pick up the Milk the Crisis TSA shirt HERE

Go to rallies, make your presence known.  If you're not in Texas, take the steps your fellow citizens are taking in Texas to undo these atrocities.  The groping and the illegal searches are going on nationwide, and the TSA must be dismantled, non-violently.  Call and fax your representative, attend rallies at your state capitol building, organize like-minded people to do the same. Don't wait for someone to do something.  You do something.  The assault on our liberty must be stopped. It has to be stopped from the top down.

This is our finest hour.