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It has long been the position of the entrenched to call out to the disenfranchised, "Vote the party line! Don't split the vote and give the victory to the other party!" From both sides of the aisle, we, the dissatisfied, hear the derision and the condescending tones of those who honestly believe their voice matters. We hear words like, "Think of America's future!" and "We all have to stick together!" Yet, after their candidate has won the day, almost immediately the excuses and provisions start: "No candidate is perfect." or "It takes time to get these things done, after all." The fact of the matter is, the only difference between a Republican and a Democrat is the language that they use. Inside the person, in their mind and heart, they only care about two things: monetary gain and job security. The words that you hear from any political candidate are regurgitated. Written by staff writers with hot topic words to turn switches on inside of you that will help you check their box on the right day. It is indeed a very safe bet that most of the men and women on the Hill, regardless of what letter is behind their name in parentheses, don't have a high enough view of the Constitution to sacrifice gain or security. We have, in this country, given ourselves representatives who would not fight and die for our Founder's ideas. They (the two parties) maintain full-time staff in D.C. who really run your representative's office. There is nothing new that comes in or goes out of that sewer.
So, what do we do? Read. Study. Original documents. Original sentiments. Yes, you. The average schmo. Know inside and out what the founders thoughts were on everything. Get involved. If we are to stand a chance at preserving our Republic, a third legitimate party has to arise: full of strong, uncompromising men and women who raise brilliant children.
This is our finest hour.
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