The following is the first report from one of our field investigators concerning an attempted power grab in Alamance county. More information will be disclosed as we get it.
At the latest Alamance County Commissioner meeting an interesting item was attempted to be passed on the "Consent Agenda". The "Consent Agenda" is a portion of the agenda meant for approval by unanimous consent and with little debate because the items are supposed to be general or routine. One particular item in the packet of 'routine' work to be handled, however, was anything but general or routine. Frankly, if not for the watchful eye of veteran Commissioner Bill Lashley, the unthinkable package of authoritarian power meant to be handed over to the Alamance County Manager in the event of a "State of Emergency" would be a reality today. The fact that the action was stopped is commendable, but unearthing who is responsible for the production of the document and its insertion on the agenda in such fashion has yet to be answered completely.
Please note in this video link beginning 1 hour 28 minutes and 50 seconds Commissioner Bill Lashley begins speaking about the document in the Agenda (begin on page 39):
BL: "The problem I have with this is I think it's Unconstitutional. When you are going to control businesses, you're going to stop selling gas, when you're going to stop legal people to is Unconstitutional. I'm not going to support this. What it's going to do is turn Alamance County into a Police State and I won't be part of it. Where did it come from?"
Clyde Albright (Alamance County Attorney): "I drafted it about 3 years ago, at Mr. Smith's direction."
So from what can be ascertained, Lashley stopped the agenda item from being considered and that a "Mr. Smith" had authorized Clyde Albright to author the document. Researching Alamance Co. officers over the past few years, the only Mr. Smith we note is David Smith, former County Manager who, coincidentally, would have been the person receiving the near Dictatorial Powers. In fact. according to our research, David Smith had also served as Alamance County Attorney and is now currently running for Alamance County Commissioner as a Republican. If elected, David Smith could steer through his package of Emergency Measures and Police State Powers.
According to concerned citizen, David Andrews, the topic was discussed at length during a recent Tea Party meeting 3 days after the County Commissioner meeting. Andrews explained he was there to encourage locals to become more like "watchmen", as Andrews describes his role, of local politicians as much as on Washington. Andrews used the proposed ordinance as an example of why watchmen are needed. Andrews read and discussed "what I would call a Martial Law item on the Consent Agenda." It was at this point an unexpected speaker piped in on the subject, none other than Mr. David Smith was on hand. Mr. Smith stated that the proposed ordinance was not a good idea. At that point Mr. Andrews addressed Mr. David Smith saying 'that is odd, Mr. Smith. You may want to speak up and clear the air. It is a matter of public record' that Mr. Albright said that you (speaking of Smith) are complicit on this ordinance being written. Mr. Smith then responded, as best could be inferred by Andrews, that he (Smith) had utilized this type of thing as County Manager several times in the past. Thus far, we cannot document any such passage or use of the Martial Law Plan in Alamance County dating back to 2009.
So here's how it stands to date. Alamance County tables a Martial Law Ordinance (thanks to Patriot Bill Lashley) that was written 3 years ago by County Attorney Albright at the behest of former County Manager David Smith, who is currently running for County Commissioner. The ordinance would empower the County Manager with Dictatorial Powers in the event of a State of Emergency, including but not limited to the Power to Ban Peaceful Assembly. The Ordinance in question was attempted to be passed in what some consider a sneaky fashion via the Consent Agenda. The question now is, Who intervened and had this Egregious assault on our Constitution placed on the "Consent Agenda" for this past month's meeting? We will be investigating further and reporting when the situation becomes more clear.
Until then, Live Free.