Friday, February 24, 2012

Rednecks for Romney!

Steve Routszong - Contributor

On Wednesday the Obama campaign launched "African Americans for Obama 2012."

Surprised? No, of course not!  Apparently, the POTUS hasn't taken lessons in class from Morgan Freeman, who sees February as nothing more than the month between January and March. But Mr. Freeman, we CAN'T stop talking about it. If we stop talking about it, what is the NAACP going to do with all that spare time?  What are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and all the other race baiters going to do for a living?

Now, let's flip the coin over for a minute..

For the full story, go HERE!
Steve Routszong is a self-made Monopoly Millionaire (which has nothing to do with him being the banker all the time), and all around snarky contributor to  Seriously though, he is the 1% in that game.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Third War for Independence

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace.
We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
- Samuel Adams

This is our finest hour.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Food and Drugs and Food and Drugs and....

With the VICE PRESIDENT of Monsanto being appointed as the new "Food Safety Czar" to the FDA(story HERE), it's got me thinking: "You know what? Maybe there is something to the fact that the average American is becoming more and more unhealthy at an earlier age."

I mean, I don't have pretend to be Mel Gibson with my eyes taped open being chased by Patrick Stewart to know that America has had the most cases of preventable diseases we've ever had in our nation's history.

NOBODY KNOWS!!  NOBODY KNOWS!! Although, I really feel like it sometimes...

Don't get me wrong, I am in no way, shape, or form an expert on anything organic or nutritious. I really just feel like the little kid watching the emperor running around naked while everyone else is complimenting him on that garment's particular hue of purple. The problem is you get called a cuckoo bird any time you even breathe a whisper about the connection between the two industries that make up the name of the department that oversees them both. I mean, it's really not all that sinister, is it? The fact that 90% of the food we eat is genetically modified, we get more and more diseases younger and younger in life, and have to go to a pharmacy to pick up a drug to alleviate the symptoms of said illness?  It is all just some kind of massive coincidence, right?  Apparently not.  Even to the point where hundreds of thousands of organic farmers are taking Monsanto to court to keep their garbage out of pure fields. (Story HERE)  

So, while we're not always in the forefront of political controversy here in North Carolina, we do hit the news every once in awhile.  This past week has seen an example from a particular school in the town of Raeford, where their "Star Rating" was threatened by a parent who dared to pack her child's lunch.  We as a nation can't stand for that!  After all, a drop in star ratings might affect federal money designated to the county.  The Monsanto raised, FDA approved (and don't forget inspected!) cafeteria food is MUCH more nutritional than ANYTHING kept in a person's house.  The federal government can't be expected to inspect every single citizen's pantry and fridge... yet. But the government run school is a much safer environment to ensure every child (owned by the state) is given a proper dose of genetically modified food to ensure the pharmaceutical industry has lots and lots of prospective clients in 20 years. (Story from Raeford HERE)

The good news is that, for every family here in Carolina content to eat the poison offered by Monsanto, there is another family fighting to protect our food supply from genetic modification. Well, maybe not an equal ratio, yet, but the more awareness that is raised, the more options are presented, the healthier we and our children will be.  Here's a great video from the western end of our fair state - (sorry about the subtitles)

Let's hope that the families affected by "The Fat Police" will have the bravery to challenge the state for the authority to make decisions concerning their children's nutrition.

This is our finest hour.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Call to Return

There was a time in this country where our leadership reveled in the exploits of patriots in great days gone-by.  There was once even a time when our leadership was not content to simply do so, but to try to match those exploits with exploits of their own.  A time when men and women were not merely content to read and remember words and deeds that made and shaped this nation for the cause of liberty, but had to add their voice and hands to that cause for future generations.  There was a time when men and women were not for sale, where their voice and vote was not up for grabs, not up for debate.  A time when principles shaped hearts and minds and decision making.  A time when public office was something to be taken up reluctantly, where it was viewed as something higher than the person aspiring to hold it, when it was something viewed as a most serious duty.  A time when an oath was a solemn oath, not to be violated in fear of judgment of the people, and judgment before God.  A time when accountability was king at all times, not just during an election year.  A time when journalism was feared and respected... FULL STORY HERE!